Prog-Watch presents another instalment of Our Progressive Planet in which Rob Fisher and and Big Tony Rowsick take you on a little tour of the vibrant progressive music scene in Germany! With music from Sylvan, Lucifer’s Friend, Subsignal, Panzerballett, Eloy, RPWL, Frequency Drift, Vanden Plas, Seven Steps To The Green Door, and Schmid and Arnold…
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01. Sylvan – One Step Beyond (from Presets) [2006]
02. Lucifer’s Friend – Spanish Galleon (Banquet) [1974]
03. Subsignal – The Sea (from Beautiful & Monstrous) [2009]
04. Panzerballett – Mind Your Head (from Planet Z) [2020]
05. Eloy – Poseidon’s Creation (from Ocean) [1977]
06. RPWL – Roses (from World Through My Eyes) [2005]
07. Frequency Drift – Tempest (from Ghosts) [2011]
08. Vanden Plas – Scarlet Flowerfields (from Beyond Daylight) [2002]
09. Seven Steps To The Green Door – Stay Beside (from Step 2 My World) [2008]
10. Manuel Schmid und Marek Arnold – Irgendwann (from Zeiten) [2020]
The show was first broadcast on 17th December 2020
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