Nordic Giants who are well known for their immersive live performances and their mysterious stage presence have decided to release an early years’ compilation called Origins. The album collects the band’s first recordings, A Tree As Old As Me EP,…
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Nordic Giants / Alex Hedley
Sin City, Swansea Wednesday, 30th November 2022 Gigs like this seldom happen in Swansea – and I nearly missed it as I only found out about it the night before! Thanking my lucky stars, I headed down there… Upon arrival,…
View More Nordic Giants / Alex HedleyNordic Giants / Årabrot
Arts Centre, Colchester Tuesday, 22nd February 2022 I had been looking forward to this gig for quite some time, yet my excitement was tempered slightly by waking up on the day to first read that Russian “peacekeepers” had finally made…
View More Nordic Giants / ÅrabrotNordic Giants – Symbiosis
When I read the announcement of a new album from the Nordic Giants it raised my interest, having previously reviewed their documentary/soundtrack project album Amplify Human Vibration for TPA and also a concert on their 2017 tour. The duo blew…
View More Nordic Giants – SymbiosisNordic Giants / Koyo / Chiyoda Ku
The Globe, Cardiff Tuesday, 7th November 2017 After recently reviewing Nordic Giants’ new album, Amplify Human Vibration I was pleased to get the chance to see them live in a venue not far from my home. So on a crisp…
View More Nordic Giants / Koyo / Chiyoda KuNordic Giants – Amplify Human Vibration
The Brighton post rock duo, famed for their immersive, all engulfing live performances, are releasing a new documentary film and soundtrack this month, the project supported by a hugely successful crowd funding campaign. They set out to create a film…
View More Nordic Giants – Amplify Human VibrationNordic Giants – A Séance Of Dark Delusions
Nordic Giants are an elusive duo who go by the mythological Norse names of “Loki” and “Roka” and have managed to cloak themselves in a carefully woven shroud of mystery, no easy thing to do in this ever-prying digital age.…
View More Nordic Giants – A Séance Of Dark Delusions