Cyan - The Guardians

Cyan – The Guardians

Less than a year on from Pictures from the Other Side, their second album as a newly reincarnated band, Cyan follow that up with The Guardians, a related ‘mini-album’ (but still a rather epic 38 minutes) companion release, largely formed from the same sessions. This prog supergroup’ are led by Magenta’s Robert Reed who has surrounded himself with a stellar band including Peter Jones from Tigermoth Tales and Camel on vocals, guitarist Luke Machin of The Tangent and Karnataka, and bassist Dan Nelson, previously of Godsticks and Magenta. The Guardians is another impressive release, full of their trademark virtuosity and ornate style.

Cyan have shared that when they recorded Pictures from the Other Side in 2023 they accumulated 95 minutes of music, too much for a single album, and wisely judged that this would have been simply too much for them to digest… even from a prog band! Reed decided to hold back two songs based on the original 90’s versions, which like much of their revisiting of Pictures from the Other Side had to a large extent been extensively revised, expanded and reimagined. Along with those pieces, modern day Cyan have since recorded a new piece called Cyan, which was formed from two instrumental tracks that Reed’s schooldays version of the band played way back in 1984. The original Magenta drummer Tim Robinson again guests on drums as he has done for the other recent reborn Cyan album.

The main offering on this new release is the sumptuous wide screen epic of The Guardians of your Destiny. On the original version of Pictures from the Other Side this piece was a rather weighty 12 minutes long, but when Reed and his new Cyan band mates got hold of it, took it apart, reimagined it and put it back together it was extended into a rather more mammoth 25 minutes long!! The original version is long since deleted and unavailable so comparing it has not been possible for this review, but it is probably safe to say that the new multi-talented Cyan band have spectacularly recreated and gloriously embellished a piece that was originally largely written and recorded alone by Reed as a relatively young studio artist. It is difficult to imagine how he must feel hearing these songs being re-born in the almost technicolour 3D versions compared to his relatively modest monochrome attempts at writing and performing them 30 years ago. When you have the virtuosity, touch and skill of the likes of Pete Jones and Luke Machin able to realise the musical dreams in your head it must be magical and satisfying.

Fans of the new Cyan will be very familiar with the elaborate, sweeping majesty of the new Cyan style, and can indeed imagine the ‘Prog Steeds’ galloping into action in the epic opening track, much in the same dramatic and rollocking style as the fabulous The Sorcerer from 2021’s For King and Country, probably still the new Cyan’s peak as a band. The Guardians of your Destiny is very much in the same vein… but even more ornate and 10 minutes longer!

For those unfamiliar with Cyan’s recent output, firstly one has to ask: ‘Where have you been?’, but more seriously it probably helps to be a little more descriptive of the music. The Guardians of your Destiny opens atmospherically with a gentle keyboard over which the voice of Angharad Brinn softly sings the intro, reminiscent of another Robert Reed project, the stunningly beautiful The Empathy Machine by Chimpan A. We soon leave that musical territory with much more heroic sounding music as Machin’s distinctive high register guitar tones come in and Reed’s keyboard fanfare brings in the whole band. The opening passage feels like an overture for the piece, riding on a really cool bass line from the underrated Dan Nelson. Pete Jones’ outstanding voice perfectly conveys the almost mythical feel of this piece. This is simply dazzling and ornate melodic prog to the highest degree. This is not a band trying to be ‘edgy’ or ‘experimental’ – these are well trodden paths. However, Cyan have such an ear for melody and drama, performed in a crisp but spectacular style, taking the listener on a rollercoaster ride of musical saga. It is just gloriously entertaining stuff.

Needless to say, Pete Jones’ vocals are excellent, seemingly at ease with more subtle passages and yet capable of expressing himself more heroically and dramatically. Similarly, Luke Machin can ignite with sizzling fretwork, and yet sooth with delicate acoustic renditions or more subtle, almost bluesy guitar licks at times. All of this is masterfully conducted by the keyboard magician Robert Reed able to paint expansive background synth soundscapes, or touch the soul with fragile piano pieces or enchant with flowing Tony Banks-like organ passages, especially in the more contemplative middle section. The Guardians of your Destiny is unashamedly ‘PROG’ with the proverbial capital ‘P’ (..and R and O and G…Ed) , and they have proven to be masters at dishing up these delicious feasts of melodic tuneage.

Cyan have also shown themselves to be very capable of serving up much more accessible and straightforward rock/pop songs reminiscent of the smooth style of some of the best 80’s bands. This is exemplified by the splendour of All Around the World, which also appeared on the early 90’s original version of Pictures from the Other Side, but may be more familiar to some readers as a song Reed resurrected previously for the 2005 ‘Progaid’ project for the Tsunami Disaster Relief fund, featuring an array of eminent prog rock guest artists, including members of IQ, Pendragon, Marillion, The Flower Kings, Pallas, Arena, Galahad, Jadis… you name them, they were in it! That was a worthy and lovely version, but yet again Cyan take this song and sprinkle their Prog fairy dust all over it to transform it, with Jones in particularly fine vocal form, complemented by the lovely tones of Angharad Brinn. Luke Machin’s rippling, fluid guitar solo in the mid-section is soulful and captivating. Rob Reed plays out the end section with a sinuous and triumphant synth solo – this will become a live favourite for sure. The final track Cyan is a more flamboyant instrumental in which the band show their chops in a rocking, jazzy Wurlitzer ride, with Jones showing his saxophone skills and the whole band just going for it, clearly just having a lot of fun! There could be a debate as to whether sometimes maybe Cyan could consider a more subtle ‘less is more’ approach, but that is missing the point of the band. They glory in entertaining with great spectacular and elaborate sweeping musical canvasses, and they do it with such brio and style it just takes you along with it all – it would seem churlish to suggest otherwise.

This may only be a ‘mini-album, but with one whopping epic of 25 minutes it still feels a rather satisfying feast of prog, and enough to satisfy most appetites. This is a marvellous and stylish companion release to Pictures from the Other Side – it will be fascinating to see if Robert Reed has any more projects from his younger days he can resurrect and re-imagine, or whether they strike out into totally new territory. Wherever they go I feel sure many will jump on their Prog Steeds and join them on their next thrilling adventure!

1. The Guardians Of Your Destiny (25:14)
2. All Around The World (6:59)
3. Cyan (Instrumental) (6:10)

Total Time – 38:23

Rob Reed – Keyboards, Guitars, Backing Vocals
Luke Machin – Lead Guitars
Peter Jones – Lead Vocals, Saxophone, Whistles
Dan Nelson – Bass
~ With:
Tim Robinson – Drums
Angharad Brinn – Vocals

Record Label: Tigermoth Records
Country of Origin: U.K.
Date of Release: 9th August 2024

Cyan – Facebook | Bandcamp