“25 years, millions and millions of notes, and cases and cases and cases of High Life beer later we bring you Northern Burner, a musical transfiguration spanning the barnyard, outer space, and make believe.” So says the press blurb for…
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Dreadnaught – Hard Chargin’
Crammed into the less than 50 minutes of Dreadnaught’s first full album in a decade are more styles than you could reasonably shake a stick at. The variety and seamlessness of the delivery is what makes the New Hampshirites such…
View More Dreadnaught – Hard Chargin’Dreadnaught – Gettin’ Tight With Dreadnaught EP
Celebrating their 20th anniversary in 2016, Dreadnaught from New Hampshire in the U.S. (not to be confused with other similarly named bands) are a new one on me. But I’m glad to be catching up! What we have here is…
View More Dreadnaught – Gettin’ Tight With Dreadnaught EP